Bush of wild pink roses.



Creative workshops, 1:1 services, projects, collaborations

I hold an abundant portfolio of running creative workshops for diverse groups of people or working on 1:1 basis with private clients. Over the course of time, I worked with young children: pre-school and school age, as well as youth in creative education background, namely alternative educational systems like Montessori and in music education, namely opera and choral singing with orchestra or music ensemble. In the past, I worked closely with other Artists and Musicians delivering workshops and educational programmes for these groups and after re-training in Art & Design in 2017/2018 I started running creative and educational workshops myself as a Practitioner. In 2017 I also focused on working with neurodivergent individuals and started offering 1:1 personalised creative and educational services for autistic clients.

The focus of my creative practice is colour, form and sensory perception and experiencing. I ran professional workshops on these topics for adult learners at Leeds Arts University or for groups of autistic individuals attending strengths based autism specific personalised learning programme. My workshops intend to stimulate imaginative thinking and creativity in my client groups, which ultimately aim to promote self-expression and self-actualisation. The content of my workshops is usually created around the needs of being seen, heard and listened to, whatever it is the client groups have to share. My workshops also encourage and promote learning how to hear oneself in the first place and acknowledge one’s feelings, emotions and needs for better overall wellbeing.

Other key and critical component of my workshops is educational play promoting engaging with the environment through senses, colour, shapes, forms and materials. I invite my client groups to look at tasks at hand in experimental ways and to think outside the box. This conduces creativity and allows safe emergence of the unexpected.

My 1:1 services are rooted in play and art therapy approaches and practices, exploring the needs and talents of each individual in unique and personalised ways, adapted to neurodivergent learning where needed. I work with an array of mediums in my creative practice ranging from paint, pottery, through textiles, digital art, photography to creative writing. I have a very close relationship with nature which fuels my intuitive approaches with my clients and encourages their own self-enquiry.

Outside of this I work independently on personal or commissioned creative projects and collaborate with other Artists and Creatives.

If you enjoy my practice or would like to collaborate with me in any way, please get in touch. livingwellbyme@gmail.com

You did an amazing job teaching us about different creative practices, what different textile materials there were and colours, and did a really good job giving members homework or things to do in the sessions online. You were a great workshop Facilitator.
— Autistic member of workshop, Experimental Textiles
Every workshop of yours felt very informal and relaxed. It felt like a gathering of friends rather than any official thing, by which I mean it felt comfortable and safe. I never felt like you were reading off of a prepared script (although of course I know that you did put a lot of effort into your workshop plans - I think it takes a lot of effort or skill to be able to make something seem effortless).

Your workshops were always interesting. No matter what the subject it always felt like a good use of time and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one that felt sad that they seemed to go by so quickly. You seemed to bring out the best in people as your workshops were always lively, in a controlled and relaxing way.”
— Autistic member of workshop, Draw What You Hear