Winter scene of dry plants.

Nervous system informed coaching


What is nervous system informed coaching?

The nervous system governs everything in the human body - our cells, our immune system, our endocrine system, our muscular system, our brain…

Nervous system health for sustainable lifestyle

In a nut shell, the nervous system is alpha and omega of everything in the human body. Quality of life and sustainable lifestyle became top priorities in the recent few years, with increasing importance more than ever before. At present, trying to improve the quality of our lives, our wellbeing and even physical health will not take us far anymore without paying attention to our nervous system and its functioning. In fact, learning and knowing how to take good care of our nervous system is becoming a no. 1 thing to do and will be only a growing trend in the next coming years.

Struggling with unhealthy habits, limiting patterns or anxiety and stress?

If we want to achieve true, lasting changes, relief and sustainable growth in our wellbeing, mental and physical health, we need to pay attention to our nervous system. Our nervous system is behind our habits, our patters as well as a plethora of emotional symptoms like anxiety, stress and depression. People suffering from fatigue, burn outs and brain fog became a new norm, but a little is known, and most importantly talked about, what is really behind these symptoms. Imbalances in the nervous system functioning often sprout different mental and emotional barriers and blocks, resistance against growth and ‘the new’, ungrounded fears, difficulties with forming functional and lasting relationships and much more.

Benefits of a regulated and healthy nervous system

Working with the nervous system enables us to learn and navigate our emotions in healthy ways and first of all, without the intense feelings of judgement and shame which are so prevalent and so debilitating for far too many in our present society. Well functioning nervous system promotes elevated levels of energy and repels keeping the pent up stress in our bodies which affects our nervous system so significantly. Learning how to work with and regulate the nervous system improves our ability to manage our worries, overwhelm and panic tendencies, our tendencies to control. Healthy functioning nervous system also promotes good quality sleep and getting deep rest overnight. It plays a very important role in regulating our gut health, inducing balanced digestive system which as a result promotes regulated mood and emotional responses, and overall equilibrium in our bodies.

What difference does nervous system informed coaching make and how it can help you?

Nervous system informed coaching blends knowledge and insights from cutting edge neuroscience, sensory awareness and traditional life coaching principles. Working this way with my clients alongside a mix of other creative modalities (e.g. journalling prompts, creative exercises promoting imagination, creative writing for self-awareness and self-expression, and a variety of coaching tools and models) will enhance the relationship to your nervous system and shift the awareness and notions of yourself. This will give you a better sense of groundedness, subsequent better sense of being in charge of yourself and your life, and more positive outlooks. Altogether, this will contribute to unlocking your potential, which otherwise could stay dormant for long periods of time. Engaging with the teachings about nervous system through the practice of coaching enables my clients to change how they see their past, their present and also future. Informing my coaching practice with nervous system functioning introduces new biological embodiment practices to my clients’ lives which will not just enhance their coaching experience, but also improve the overall quality of their lived experiences as a consequence. Integrating these teachings will reduce levels of overwhelm from day to day life and my clients will learn how to self-regulate, which will induce recovery, healing and growth in subtle, but lasting ways.

Your help, support and professional expertise that you have given our daughter during your time with her, we are so grateful to you, and we will always remember the key part that you have played in her recovery. She is a very different young woman from the shy girl crippled with anxiety who started working with you 9 months ago.
— Parent of autistic client, Mentoring services